Tuesday 20 October 2015

Heart Diseases

King of fruits, king of nutrients

Mango is called the king of fruits for more than just its heavenly taste.  While flavor and aroma are great reasons, mangoes are exceptionally nutritious. Learn more –
  1. Anti-cancerous: Mangoes are rich in healthy enzymes and have proven to cut down the risk of colon, breast, blood and prostrate cancers. They contain compounds like fisetin, gallic acid and methylgallat that have anti-cancerous properties.

  1. Lowers bad cholesterol: Mango comes loaded with fiber, pectin and vitamin C, all of which help bring down serum cholesterol levels. Mango reduces the levels of low-density lipoprotein which clogs blood vessels and you dont have to worry about best heart surgery hospital in Bangalore

  1. Mangoes for healthy eyes and skin: About a cup of diced mangoes can get you 25% of your daily requirement of nutrients for the eye. This includes Vitamin A that promotes better eyesight and cuts down chances of night blindness. Mangoes also help de-toxify clogged pores and helps battle pimple woes.

  1. Ayurvedic remedy for heat: The juice of a green (raw) mango mixed in sweetened water can cool the body down. When the body feels dehydrated under unreasonable temperatures, it gets over loaded with toxins. In Ayurvedic practices, a raw mango concoction is a proven remedy for this condition.

  1. Enhanced immunity: Mangoes contain a spectrum full of nutrients ranging from Vitamin A, C, and E to 25 different kinds of carotenoids. This naturally enhances comprehensive health and thus gives you better immunity.

There are over 1000 varities of mangoes in the word and it is believed to be one of the most consumed fruits. Mangoes are one of the many splendors of nature’s bounty. Devour them heartily and stay healthy!

Obesity and the Heart

Obesity is an increasingly prevalent metabolic disorder affecting almost the whole world. Although heredity explains 30% to 70% of cases of obesity, the environment contributes too. Diets high in fat and calories, and a reduced physical activity are the most likely factors. People with a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or higher are considered obese. The term obesity is used to describe the health condition of anyone significantly above his ideal healthy weight. Don’t be discouraged though. Unfortunately, you are not alone. Contine reading 

It is not anymore easy to say who is prone to heart diseases and who isn’t. People of every age and sex, whether with a family history of heart diseases or not, are becoming victim to these. Heart or cardiovascular diseases have become a leading cause of death worldwide, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be avoided, or at least be pushed to a lot later in life. The best way to do so is by adopting a healthy lifestyle starting today. Here are a few heart disease prevention tips, for various age groups, to get you started. Contine reading 

Major Signs and Symptoms of Cardiac Diseases in Women

This week is dedicated to mothers everywhere. Happy Mother’s Day to all beautiful mums around the globe. Let us talk about your loving heart today, a heart that only knows to care for selflessly. But are you taking care of your own heart? We hope you are.

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