Wednesday 21 October 2015

Weight Loss Surgery India | Vikram Hospital

Obesity is growing to be the world’s most deadly condition, contributing to heart diseases, diabetes and much more. Even though prevention is better than cure for any disease, the prevention part seems literally impossible for so many people, with respect to the food habits and the lifestyle changes we have undergone. That’s where medicine comes for rescue, weight loss surgery is a viable option for people who are really over weight and people who are in dire need to cut off their obesity at once. Weight loss surgery in India is slowly gaining popularity with developments in the field of medicine, and also with people in desire to lose weight.
Depending on the procedures involved in the surgeries, there are 2 types weight loss surgeries that are in practice. They are,
1. Restricted Surgery
Restrictive surgery is the first type and it works by physically restricting the stomach’s size, and thereby limiting the amount of solid food you can eat. For example, a normal stomach can hold about 1.5 litres of food, while after a weight loss surgery, a stomach may only hold 30 ml of food, although over time it may be able to hold 60-90 ml of food.
 Mal -Absorptive Surgery
Mal-absorptive surgery is the second type and it works by changing the way your digestive system absorbs food. This type of weight loss surgery is more complicated. The surgeon removes parts of your intestine, creating a shortcut for the food to be digested. This means that fewer calories get absorbed into the body. The combined mal-absorptive/restrictive surgery also creates a smaller stomach pouch, which restricts the amount of food you can eat. Let’s see a bit more in detail about the both surgeries
 Gastric Banding Surgery
Gastric Banding Surgery is where there is no need to cut into the stomach or intestine, and recovery is usually faster than other surgeries. This Gastric banding is a minimally invasive surgery performed with small incisions, a laparoscope (a tiny camera), and special instruments. A band is put in near the stomach area and the band can be tightened or loosened with the doctor’s advice to control weight loss.

Your weight loss will be less dramatic. The average loss is 21% of your excess weight after one year, and 47% of your excess weight after two years. You may regain some of the weight over the years. Ten years after surgery, the average weight loss will be about 13%. If a mild weight loss surgery in India is an option you make, you can look up to this procedure

Gastric bypass surgery refers to a surgical procedure in which the stomach is divided into a small upper pouch and a much larger lower “remnant” pouch and then the small intestine is re-arranged to connect to both. Surgeons have developed several different ways to reconnect the intestine, thus leading to several different gastric bypass procedures. Any such procedure leads to a marked reduction in the functional volume of the stomach, accompanied by an altered physiological and physical response to food.

Unlike the gastric banding surgery, the weight loss is quick and dramatic. People lose an average of 38% of their excess body weight in the first year, and 62% of excess body weight in two years. Gastric bypass seems a completely effective procedure to consider in weight loss surgery in India.

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