Sunday 25 October 2015

Orthopaedics Care for Women

Women are born with smaller and thinner bones when compared to men. Moreover, child birth, lactation, and menopause are phases of a woman’s life that can cause considerable calcium depletion. Even the bestOrthopaedics hospital in Bangalore therefore agrees to the fact that just being a ‘woman’ is a major risk factor for low bone density or development of osteoporosis.
Pregnancy and lactation takes a toll on the woman’s body. During pregnancy, the baby growing in the mother’s womb requires high amounts of calcium for skeletal development, any deficiency in calcium intake would lead to calcium depletion from the mother’s bones. A growing infant depends solely on the mother’s milk for its calcium needs. The mother’s bone stores are used up in case of deficient intake. During breast feeding the mother’s body produces lower amounts of estrogen, a hormone that protects against bone loss which further complicates the matter.  Hence, women lose up to 5% of their overall bone mass during breastfeeding. This is where a consultation at the best Orthopaedics hospital in Bangalore can help you prevent further damage.
Menopause brings about a lot of hormonal changes in a woman’s body. There is significant drop in estrogen during menopause that accelerates the bone loss in women. According to The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, bone loss can begin well before the onset of menopause. Estrogen level starts to decrease anywhere between 2 to 8 years before menopause. Therefore women aged 35 and older should be careful about maintaining strong, healthy bones. For more details, you can contact Vikram Hospital, the best multi speciality hospitals in Bangalore for orthopaedic help. Although other factors like, thyroid problems, eating disorders, alcohol or tobacco abuse, lack of exercise, age, genetics etc. can lead to decreased bone mass or osteoporosis. Being the top-rated Orthopaedics hospital, we provide we have board-certified, fellowship-trained surgeons specializing in joint replacement and minimally invasive orthopaedic procedures.
Orthopaedic hospitals  have witnessed a large number of women developing certain orthopaedic problems, including fractures related to osteoporosis, knee ligament injuries and arthritis. This makes bone care very important for women.
It is never too early or too late to take care of the bones. A balanced diet rich in calcium, protein, and vitamin D with regular weight-bearing exercise are the main essential components for good bone health.  Consuming adequate amounts of calcium and vitamin D is important in maintaining strong bones. According toOrthopaedics hospitals in Bangalore, the daily recommendation of calcium for women aged 50 yrs and under is 1,000 mg while for those over 50 yrs it is 1,200 mg daily. High intake of certain foods like hard cheese and salty processed foods are known to trigger high calcium excretion that leads to bone loss.
Regular weight bearing exercise is known to improve bone health. Exercise lays stress on the bones and muscles, in response the body lays down more bone material that makes the bones denser. Exercise also strengthens the muscle that supports the bones which leads to lesser strain on the bones and joints. Hence, regular exercise particularly during menopause is truly beneficial. However, before starting any drastic changes in your routine, you should consult our orthopaedics team in Vikram Hospital, the best Orthopaedics hospital in India.
Vitamin D along with calcium helps in bone development. Sunlight stimulates vitamin D production in the body. Adequate sun exposure becomes very important especially if the diet is poor in vitamin D.
Supplements can be taken to cover any dietary lack of calcium or vitamin D.  It helps particularly in case of low bone mass due to family history or side effects of medications.
Bone loss is a natural part of aging process.  Taking good care of bones right from the growing age through balanced diet, regular exercise, sun exposure, and supplements if required could slow down bone depletion considerably.

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